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The Wright brothers are considered the founders of aviation
Other people before them had flown in balloons and
gliders but Wilbur and Orville Wright were the first to build a full-size machine that could fly under its own power. Early
on the morning of December 17, 1903, in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, Orville and Wilbur made the world’s first flight
in a power-driven, heavier-than-air machine. With Orville at the controls, the plane flew 120 feet and was in the air
12 seconds. The brothers made three more flights that day. The longest, by Wilbur, was 852 feet in 59 seconds, and
history was made.
Manuscripts in this exhibit include:
The first interview with the Wright Brothers by one of the five witnesses present at the historic first flight;
The Wright Brothers’claim that they invented the seaplane (hydroplane);
Wilbur Wright’s price quote tothe English government for the Wrights’ new invention, the airplane;
Orville’s own account of his first flight;
The Wright Brothers’ announcement of the first sale of the airplane to the French government;
One of the first catalogs of airplanes and aeronautical supplies;
flthe story of the first report of the world’s first powered ight;
Documents from the first international aviation meeting
for aeronautical enthusiasts, and much more!
Showing October 1st-December 31st 2004